The Amateur Radio Testing Group ~ N1ART
We are a trusted group of US based Volunteer Examiner (VE) Teams
The Amateur Radio Testing Group is a collective of friendly and professional US ham radio Volunteer Examiner (VE)* teams authorized to conduct remote amateur radio tests USA nationwide. We conduct your online exam over Zoom video-conference and via software based on the test template. We also offer in-person amateur radio exams from time-to-time.
We are qualified to test all license levels; Technician, General and Amateur Extra - and as soon as you successfully pass we automatically send your new qualifications for processing so you can receive your ham license or upgrade from the FCC as soon as possible. Fees are $15 per ARRL or $14 per W5YI exam session. Click on the team links below for details, sign-up and easy payment information - we look forward to seeing you soon.

Tennessee Valley Exam Team
Will W4ETA, Dennis K3DCK & the TNET Team.
★ Online Exams, W5YI & ARRL: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri & Sun evenings
★ Online Exams, W5YI & ARRL: Monday through Thursday mornings.

The KJ7QZJ Testing Team
Debi KJ7QZJ, Mike KJ7QZI & the KJ7 Team.
★ Online Exams, W5YI: Mondays through Fridays & Sundays
★ Online Exams, ARRL: Thursday evenings
★ In-person Treasure Valley, Idaho, W5YI sessions: As required.

The KA3JCA - South Carolina Test Team
Richard KA3JCA - SCET Test Team.
★ Online SC Exams, W5YI & ARRL: Monday - Friday afternoons
★ In-person, Simpsonville, South Carolina sessions: As required.

Whitley County Test Team
Roger N9RM & the Whitley County Team.
★ Online Exams: Monday evenings
★ In-person Indiana sessions: As required.

Big Horn Basin (WY) Exam Team
Casey KC7E & the Big Horn Basin Wyoming Team.
★ Wyoming sessions: As required.

Steven K2SAB (NJ) Exam Team
Steven K2SAB Exam Team.
★ Remote W5YI sessions: As required
★ In-person New Jersey W5YI sessions: Monthly on Thursday evenings.

Why should I get licensed?
Before you can get on the air, you need to be licensed and know the rules to operate legally. Although Amateur Radio operators get involved for many reasons, they all have in common a basic knowledge of radio technology and operating principles, and pass an examination for the FCC license to operate on the 'Amateur Bands'. Amateur licenses in the United States are good for 10 years before renewal and anyone may hold one except a representative of a foreign government. In the US there are currently three license classes/levels - Technician, General and Amateur Extra. The higher the class of license, the more frequencies are available. Earning each higher class license requires passing a more difficult examination. Learn More
* Volunteer Examiners (VE’s)
Although regulated by the FCC, license exams are given by VE Teams consisting of licensed and authorized amateurs such as those listed above. Operating under organizations called Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VEC's), the volunteers administer and grade tests and report results to the FCC, which then issues the license or upgrade.